Showing 88 products
SKU: 308202212319
AVAILABILITY: In stock (2 items)
PRODUCT TYPE: Surfboard Nose Guard
VENDOR: SurfCo Hawaii
Surfco Hawaii Surfboard Nose Guard / Nose Protector The Surfco Hawaii Nose Guard is indispensable for river and rapid surfing. It protects the nose of the board from impacts on walls or rocks. But a nose guard is also useful...
SKU: ER.Sustainable.Doubletab.einzeln.links
AVAILABILITY: In stock (-2 items)
PRODUCT TYPE: River-/Rapidsurf Thruster Set
VENDOR: Eisbach Riders
Eisbach Riders Sustainable Double Tab Rapid Surf /Riversurf fin set Eisbach Riders FCS Base Rapid Surf Fin Set, consisting of the two side fins (right and left) and a shorter middle fin The fins fit all surfboards with FCS system...
SKU: SurfCoHawaii.NG.smoke
AVAILABILITY: In stock (19 items)
PRODUCT TYPE: Surfboard Nose Guard
VENDOR: SurfCo Hawaii
Surfco Hawaii Surfboard Nose Guard / Nose Protector The Surfco Hawaii Nose Guard is indispensable for river and rapid surfing. It protects the nose of the board from impacts on walls or rocks. But a nose guard is also useful...
AVAILABILITY: In stock (9 items)
PRODUCT TYPE: Surfboard Leash
VENDOR: Stoked 4 Life
Stoked for Life Surfboard Leash 7mm Pink High-quality surfboard leash with key pocket in the ankle strap and "double swivel" (double swivel joint) that prevents the leash from "unwinding". The leash is available in lengths of 6', 7' and 8',...
SKU: 0308202212320
AVAILABILITY: In stock (4 items)
PRODUCT TYPE: Surfboard Nose Guard
VENDOR: SurfCo Hawaii
Surfco Hawaii Surfboard Nose Guard / Nose Protector The Surfco Hawaii Nose Guard is indispensable for river and rapid surfing. It protects the nose of the board from impacts on walls or rocks. But a nose guard is also useful...
SKU: Delight.Alliance.Stash.5.1.FCS2
AVAILABILITY: In stock (1 item)
PRODUCT TYPE: Riversurfboard
VENDOR: Delight Alliance
Delight Alliance Stash HD Rails The high-performance board for artificial or fast-flowing river waves. This is the perfect board for a dynamic surfer with true ocean style. A deep single concave makes the board fast while the outline provides a...
SKU: 4055285103911
AVAILABILITY: In stock (2 items)
ROAM Boardbag Surfboard Daylight Shortboard 5.4 Das ROAM Boardbag 5'4 ist perfekt geeignet für Shortboards oder Riversurfboards. Mit einer Länge von 175 cm und einer Breite von 55 cm bietet dieser Boardbag ausreichend Platz und Schutz für dein Surfboard. Die...
SKU: Stoked4Life.Leash.7mm.white.8.0
AVAILABILITY: In stock (4 items)
PRODUCT TYPE: Surfboard Leash
VENDOR: Stoked 4 Life
Stoked for Life Surfboard Leash 7mm Black High-quality surfboard leash with key pocket in the ankle strap and "double swivel" (double swivel joint) that prevents the leash from "unwinding". The leash is available in lengths of 6', 7' and 8',...
AVAILABILITY: In stock (4 items)
PRODUCT TYPE: Surfboard Leash
VENDOR: Stoked 4 Life
Stoked for Life Surfboard Leash 7mm Black High-quality surfboard leash with key pocket in the ankle strap and "double swivel" (double swivel joint) that prevents the leash from "unwinding". The leash is available in lengths of 6', 7' and 8',...
SKU: Sticky.Bumps.Wax.Basecoat
AVAILABILITY: In stock (2 items)
PRODUCT TYPE: Surfboard Wachs
VENDOR: Sticky Bumps
Since 1971, Wax Research in California has been manufacturing a non-toxic, biodegradable wax under the brand name Sticky Bumps. Basecoat is used as a primer under the actual wax for the respective temperature. Waxing in layers increases adhesion and allows...
SKU: Stoked4Life.Leash.7mm.blau.7.0
AVAILABILITY: In stock (6 items)
PRODUCT TYPE: Surfboard Leash
VENDOR: Stoked 4 Life
Stoked for Life Surfboard Leash 7mm Pink High-quality surfboard leash with key pocket in the ankle strap and "double swivel" (double swivel joint) that prevents the leash from "unwinding". The leash is available in lengths of 6', 7' and 8',...
SKU: 0837655019848
AVAILABILITY: In stock (13 items)
PRODUCT TYPE: Surfboard Wachs
VENDOR: Greenfix
Base wax for surfboards (wave riders), skimboards, etc Optimum temperature range: 10-14 degrees Celsius water temperature Super non-slip: from 14 degrees Celsius water temperature Scope of delivery: Approx. 90 grams of block wax in a cardboard box Greenfix has been...

Mit dem Traum von unserer eigenen Brand, haben wir damals unseren Surfshop Journey gestartet. Aus der SURFLIFEBALANCE ist das verkürzte Wort SLICE entstanden. Slice ist unsere eigene Marke, unsere Identität, unsere Kreation. Produkte, die wir gut finden, designen und gestalten wir nach unseren Vorstellungen. Angefangen haben wir mit eigenen Surfponchos aus Bambusfaser, in Zukunft stehen weitere tolle Produkte rund ums Surfen, Vanlife und Abenteuer auf dem Programm.

Surfer aus Leidenschaft
Wir sind Alex und Celine und leben die SURF-LIFE-BALANCE - obwohl wir landlocked in Nürnberg sind. Wir zeigen euch in unserem Blog, auf unseren Social Media Channeln und in unserem Podcast, wie wir mehr Surf in unser Leben bringen. Wir hoffen, dass wir euch damit inspirieren können. Kitesurfing ist unsere größte Passion und wir sind immer auf der Suche nach neuen coolen Spots, die wir mit unserer Crew oder mit unserem Hund im Van bereisen.